BitmapMemoryCacheFactory | |
CacheKeyFactory | Factory methods for creating cache keys for the pipeline. |
CountingMemoryCache<K, V> | |
CountingMemoryCache.EntryStateObserver<K> | Interface used to observe the state changes of an entry. |
ImageCacheStatsTracker | Interface for stats tracking for the image cache. |
MemoryCache<K, V> | Interface for the image pipeline memory cache. |
MemoryCache.CacheTrimStrategy | Interface used to specify the trimming strategy for the cache. |
MemoryCacheTracker<K> | |
ValueDescriptor<V> | Interface used to get the information about the values. |
AbstractAdaptiveCountingMemoryCache<K, V> | Layer of memory cache stack responsible for managing eviction of the the cached items. |
BitmapMemoryCacheKey | Cache key for BitmapMemoryCache |
BitmapMemoryCacheTrimStrategy | CountingMemoryCache eviction strategy appropriate for bitmap caches. |
BoundedLinkedHashSet<E> | |
BufferedDiskCache | BufferedDiskCache provides get and put operations to take care of scheduling disk-cache read/writes. |
CountingLruBitmapMemoryCacheFactory | |
CountingLruMap<K, V> | Map that keeps track of the elements order (according to the LRU policy) and their size. |
CountingMemoryCache.Entry<K, V> | The internal representation of a key-value pair stored by the cache. |
CountingMemoryCacheInspector<K, V> | Inspects values cached in bitmap memory cache. |
CountingMemoryCacheInspector.DumpInfo<K, V> | Info about the status of the cache for use by dumpers. |
CountingMemoryCacheInspector.DumpInfoEntry<K, V> | Cache entry info for use by dumpers. |
DefaultBitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier | Supplies MemoryCacheParams for the bitmap memory cache. |
DefaultCacheKeyFactory | Default implementation of CacheKeyFactory . |
DefaultEncodedMemoryCacheParamsSupplier | Supplies MemoryCacheParams for the encoded image memory cache |
EncodedCountingMemoryCacheFactory | |
EncodedMemoryCacheFactory | |
InstrumentedMemoryCache<K, V> | |
InstrumentedMemoryCacheBitmapMemoryCacheFactory | |
LruCountingMemoryCache<K, V> | Layer of memory cache stack responsible for managing eviction of the the cached items. |
MemoryCacheParams | Configuration for a memory cache. |
NativeMemoryCacheTrimStrategy | CountingMemoryCache eviction strategy appropriate for caches that store resources off the Dalvik heap. |
NoOpImageCacheStatsTracker | Class that does no stats tracking at all |
StagingArea | This is class encapsulates Map that maps ImageCacheKeys to EncodedImages pointing to PooledByteBuffers. |