Consumer<T> | Consumes data produced by Producer . |
JobScheduler.JobRunnable | |
NetworkFetcher<FETCH_STATE extends FetchState> | Interface that specifies network fetcher used by the image pipeline. |
NetworkFetcher.Callback | Callback used to inform the network fetch producer. |
Producer<T> | Building block for image processing in the image pipeline. |
ProducerContext | Used to pass context information to producers. |
ProducerContextCallbacks | Callbacks that are called when something changes in a request sequence. |
ProducerListener | Instrumentation for Producers. |
ProducerListener2 | Instrumentation for Producers. |
ThreadHandoffProducerQueue | |
ThumbnailProducer<T> | Implemented producers can be queried for whether they are likely to be able to produce a result of the desired size. |
AddImageTransformMetaDataProducer | Add image transform meta data producer
Extracts meta data from the results passed down from the next producer, and adds it to the result that it returns to the consumer. |
BaseConsumer<T> | Base implementation of Consumer that implements error handling conforming to the Consumer's contract. |
BaseNetworkFetcher<FETCH_STATE extends FetchState> | Base class for NetworkFetcher . |
BaseProducerContext | ProducerContext that can be cancelled. |
BaseProducerContextCallbacks | Empty implementation of ProducerContextCallbacks . |
BitmapMemoryCacheGetProducer | Bitmap memory cache producer that is read-only. |
BitmapMemoryCacheKeyMultiplexProducer | Multiplex producer that uses the bitmap memory cache key to combine requests. |
BitmapMemoryCacheProducer | Memory cache producer for the bitmap memory cache. |
BitmapPrepareProducer | This producer issues to a call to prepareToDraw() to allow the
RendererThread upload the bitmap to GPU asynchronously before it is used. |
BitmapProbeProducer | Probe producer for brobing encoded memory and disk caches on bitmap memory cache hit requests. |
BranchOnSeparateImagesProducer | Producer that coordinates fetching two separate images. |
DataFetchProducer | Producer for data URIs. |
DecodeProducer | Decodes images. |
DelayProducer | A ScheduledExecutorService is a significant dependency and we do not want to require it. |
DelegatingConsumer<I, O> | Delegating consumer. |
DiskCacheReadProducer | Disk cache read producer. |
DiskCacheWriteProducer | Disk cache write producer. |
EncodedCacheKeyMultiplexProducer | Multiplex producer that uses the encoded cache key to combine requests. |
EncodedMemoryCacheProducer | Memory cache producer for the encoded memory cache. |
EncodedProbeProducer | Probe producer for brobing disk cache on encoded memory cache hit requests. |
ExperimentalThreadHandoffProducerQueueImpl | |
FetchState | Used by NetworkFetcher to encapsulate the state of one network fetch. |
HttpUrlConnectionNetworkFetcher | Network fetcher that uses the simplest Android stack. |
HttpUrlConnectionNetworkFetcher.HttpUrlConnectionNetworkFetchState | |
InternalProducerListener | |
InternalRequestListener | |
JobScheduler | Manages jobs so that only one can be executed at a time and no more often than once in
mMinimumJobIntervalMs milliseconds. |
LocalAssetFetchProducer | Executes a local fetch from an asset. |
LocalContentUriFetchProducer | Represents a local content Uri fetch producer. |
LocalContentUriThumbnailFetchProducer | Represents a local content Uri fetch producer. |
LocalExifThumbnailProducer | A producer that retrieves exif thumbnails. |
LocalFetchProducer | Represents a local fetch producer. |
LocalFileFetchProducer | Represents a local file fetch producer. |
LocalResourceFetchProducer | Executes a local fetch from a resource. |
LocalVideoThumbnailProducer | A producer that creates video thumbnails. |
MultiplexProducer<K, T extends Closeable> | Producer for combining multiple identical requests into a single request. |
NetworkFetchProducer | A producer to actually fetch images from the network. |
NullProducer<T> | Producer that never produces anything, but just returns null. |
PartialDiskCacheProducer | Partial disk cache producer. |
PostprocessedBitmapMemoryCacheProducer | Memory cache producer for the bitmap memory cache. |
PostprocessedBitmapMemoryCacheProducer.CachedPostprocessorConsumer | |
PostprocessorProducer | Runs a caller-supplied post-processor object. |
PriorityNetworkFetcher<FETCH_STATE extends FetchState> | PriorityNetworkFetcher fetches images using a priority queue. |
PriorityNetworkFetcher.NonrecoverableException | The delegate fetcher may pass an instance of this exception to its callback's onFailure to signal to a PriorityNetworkFetcher that it shouldn't retry that request. |
PriorityNetworkFetcher.PriorityFetchState<FETCH_STATE extends FetchState> | |
PriorityStarvingThrottlingProducer<T> | Time based, priority starving throttling producer. |
QualifiedResourceFetchProducer | The QualifiedResourceFetchProducer uses the ContentResolver to allow fetching
resources that might not be part of the application's package. |
RemoveImageTransformMetaDataProducer | Remove image transform meta data producer
Remove the ImageTransformMetaData object from the results passed down from the next producer, and adds it to the result that it returns to the consumer. |
ResizeAndRotateProducer | Resizes and rotates images according to the EXIF orientation data or a specified rotation angle. |
SettableProducerContext | ProducerContext that allows the client to change its internal state. |
StatefulProducerRunnable<T> | StatefulRunnable intended to be used by producers. |
SwallowResultProducer<T> | Swallow result producer. |
ThreadHandoffProducer<T> | Uses ExecutorService to move further computation to different thread |
ThreadHandoffProducerQueueImpl | |
ThrottlingProducer<T> | Only permits a configurable number of requests to be kicked off simultaneously. |
ThumbnailBranchProducer | Producer that will attempt to retrieve a thumbnail from one or more producers. |
ThumbnailSizeChecker | Utility class to consistently check whether a given thumbnail size will be sufficient for a given
request with ResizeOptions . |
WebpTranscodeProducer | Transcodes WebP to JPEG / PNG. |