public static final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
     ↳ com.facebook.drawee.generic.RoundingParams.RoundingMethod


Enum Values
RoundingParams.RoundingMethod  BITMAP_ONLY  Uses BitmapShader to draw the bitmap with rounded corners. 
RoundingParams.RoundingMethod  OVERLAY_COLOR  Draws rounded corners on top of the underlying drawable by overlaying a solid color which is specified by setOverlayColor
Public Methods
static RoundingParams.RoundingMethod valueOf(String name)
final static RoundingMethod[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final RoundingParams.RoundingMethod BITMAP_ONLY

Uses BitmapShader to draw the bitmap with rounded corners. This is the default rounding method. It doesn't support animations, and it does not support any scale types other than CENTER_CROP, FOCUS_CROP and FIT_XY.

If you use this rounding method with other scale types, such as CENTER, you won't get an Exception but the image might look wrong (e.g. repeated edges), especially in cases the source image is smaller than the view.

public static final RoundingParams.RoundingMethod OVERLAY_COLOR

Draws rounded corners on top of the underlying drawable by overlaying a solid color which is specified by setOverlayColor. This option should only be used when the background beneath the underlying drawable is static and of the same solid color.

Adding borders with this method will cause image edges to be trimmed off. Not noticeable if the color is opaque, but very noticeable with low opacity.

Public Methods

public static RoundingParams.RoundingMethod valueOf (String name)

public static final RoundingMethod[] values ()